Hydraulic design and modelling of sewer dropshaft with tangential inlet structure SŠ3 Nad Novou Libní

principle investigator
Ing. Vojtěch Bareš, Ph.D.
2014/1 – 2015/6
funded by
Pražská vodohospodářská společnost a.s.
project type
Contractual r.

The presented study is focused, similarly to previous work of the authors, on theoretical consideration and experimental work on the drop shafts with high hydraulic drop. Within the planning of new vertical drop shaft in Prague catchment the authors present latest results and findings at circular drop shaft with tangential vortex inlet. The results show that stable vortex structure with air core along the whole depth of the drop shaft can be created over the full range of flow conditions. This has a positive effect on energy attenuation using vortex structure and wall friction, and simultaneously accompanied with low water aeration. The mentioned positive effects enable to reduce the length of attenuation chamber and improve the flow conditions in outlet sewer section. Next to the study presents non-traditional design of foul sewage bypass including bottom opening structure


The main objectives of the first stage of the model study are specified as follows:

  • design of the geometric layout of the drop shaft
  • hydraulic model of the drop shaft at a scale of 1:10
  • assessment of the capacity and function of the drop shaft inlet structure
  • assessment of the capacity and function of the vertical shaft of the structure
  • design of the geometry and assessment of the function of the stilling basin and the outlet from the structure
project deliverables

„Rekonstrukce kanalizačního sběrače, ul. Nad Novou Libní, Praha 8“ č. investiční akce: 1/1/F49/00