
lecture material
. Timetable 2024/2025
1. Physical Properties of Liquids

Introduction. Definition of liquid and fluid. Forces in liquid. Standards and constants. Mass density, thermal expansion, compressibility, surface tension and capillarity, viscosity, rheological characteristics.

2. Hydrostatics

Hydrostatic pressure. Euler hydrostatic equation. Pascal`s law.

3. Hydrostatics

Hydrostatic forces. Archimedes principal and buoyancy force. Floating bodies.

4. Basics of Hydrodynamics

Characteristics of flow. Trajectories and streamlines. Local and average velocity, discharge. Types and regimes of flow. Conservation of mass (continuity equation), energy (Bernoulli equation) and momentum.  

5. Pipeline Hydraulics

Application of Bernoulli equation and continuity equation. Friction loss. Darcy-Weisbach equation. Friction loss coefficient and its determination, Moody diagram. Local losses – source of losses, coefficients of local losses.

6. Pipeline Hydraulics

Hydraulic solutions for pipelines. Low pressure in a pipeline – example: siphon. Pipe – pump systems. Pipeline networks. Water hammer.

7. Outflow from Orifice

Types of outflow. Free steady outflow of ideal liquid. Free steady outflow of real liquid from orifice in horizontal and vertical walls. Outflow from submerged orifice. Outflow jets and their decay.

8. Open Channel Hydraulics

Types of open-channel flow – steady and unsteady flow, uniform and non-uniform flow. Friction losses in uniform flow, Chezy equation, friction coefficient, velocity coefficient. Hydraulic solutions for open channels. Design of open channels, including compound channels and enclosed profiles with free water surface.

9. Open Channel Hydraulics

Flow regimes: critical, subcritical and supercritical flow – specific energy, critical flow condition. Determination of critical depth and flow regime. Non-uniform flow, development in water surface, backwater and headwater. Hydraulic jump.

10. Application of Momentum Equation

Hydraulic jump. Acting forces in pressurized flow in pipe. Hydrodynamic force acting on sluice gate. Force impact of free jet on a solids body.

11. Hydraulics of Hydraulic Structures

Overflow on spillways: sharp crested spillway, wide crested spillway. Flow through a bridge: hydraulic solution for bridge with one opening. Flow in culverts.

12. Groundwater Hydraulics

Filtration law. Plane flow – uniform and non uniform, drawdown curve under non-uniform flow on horizontal bedrock. Solution for ground water uptake from wells and drainage cuts.

13. Flow Measurement

Applications, methods, techniques