V pondělí 18. 3. 2024 od 12h v B880 přednáška Dr. Hrnčíře!

12. 3. 2024

Modelování rizika spojeného s přírodními katastrofami v pojistném/zájistném odvětví je s námi 55 let. Jakým způsobem modely formovaly naše porozumění rizika a jakým způsobem formovaly celé odvětví?

Title: Lessons Learnt From 55 years of Natural Catastrophe Modelling in (Re)insurance

Subtitle: How reliable are catastrophe models?

Rationale: This year marks the 55th anniversary of natural catastrophe models. Catastrophe modelling technology is used by primary insurers and reinsurance companies around the world and had become the industry standard. Why is that? Because the potential losses from various catastrophes are too great and too complicated to be judged by human intuition. Having the anniversary I thought we could use this opportunity to recollect how the development of catastrophe models has transformed our understanding of natural catastrophe risk and the entire industry.

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